Barusan selesai meeting, atau lebih tepat nya kluar dari sarang harimau hehehe
Gimana bedua temen gw mesti meeting dengan pembesar-pembesar di kantor, sementara backing gw gk ada.Kenapa gw butuh backing, simply because these guys need something what our current system can not provide!
You know...working as an IT Software Technician sometimes hard. Other people think IT guys/gals have a wand and could make anything related to computer world run well just by waving our wand, just like magic.
And..when I told them that..ok..we don't have it, you have to live with what we currently have and sorry to inform you that IT has no plan to fulfill your request..THEY BECOME WILD!
That's is the reason I need somebody to backing me up!
Sebelon miting gw pikir..mati nih gw! Gak bakal kluar idup dari tu ruangan..hihihi..hiperbol kaleee. Lo tau pan, kalo udah over stress gw bisa jadi super cuwek. Temen gw yang orang IT sebelonnya dah ngelobi gw 'lo yang lead ya Ta'..Ya jalanin aja..bismillah.
U know what did happen inside there? God help me by sending this wise guys named Andy who finally understand our limitation (for what ever it means! I always feel stupid by saying 'that's our limitation' because it's not my limitation, it's a limit line draw by who-playing-God-in-this-company!Ughhh..and I have to say 'our limitation'..wish you could get what I mean!)
Andy is the one who talk and try to push other party to use what we have and stop dreaming about something 'automatic'.
Gitu deh..
setelah hampir 2 jam gw explain apa yang bisa di lakukan oleh system dan apa yang enggak..
setelah gw merasa 'what the hell I'm doing here!'...
setelah perut gw bunyi-bunyi, karena ternyata gw belon sarapan!
setelah terpesona ama charisma nya si pak bule inggris..huahaha..sempet2 nya...
Semua berakhir indah..
Paling enggak sampe next meeting..3 months later? One months? Next week?
It's just my daily activity in the office ;)